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TranscenDance at Flourish

  • Flourish-Arts as Sacred Healing 140 Main Street Biddeford United States (map)

JOIN US for TranscenDance & listen/move to some fun dance music! ☯️

Begin with sipping Cacao or Mathca Tea to help immerse into inspiring music.

Each of these beverages can raise serotonin, euphoric states, boost mood, release any negative emotions, open our heart space & connects us on a deeper level to ourselves and others through the frequency of love, compassion & joy. Each also have many physical benefits.

🌠 Judgment is left behind the doors. During the dancing, you have the freedom to move to your own energy, rhythm & flow. You can move HOWEVER you feel called - it could be dancing, stretching, moving, shaking, releasing, healing, or simply laying down & relaxing. It is a safe space for you to truly express yourself how you want. No need to follow specific dance steps- just be yourself! Free & Wild Dancing is an amazing form of healing - it’s a meditative activity that can help us cope w/ stress, anxiety, depression, etc. It helps release stagnant energy & heavy emotions. You can get to experience a meditative & happy state of mind through body movement. Besides the fact that it is a lot of fun to move your body to music, it’s scientifically proven to help your mental & physical health.. ☮️

☯️ We’ll finish the night off with a 10-15 min sound bath to calm the nervous system, bringing you into a relaxed state of mind ☯️

🌠 Led by Kaeleigh Guay 🌠

✨ $15 cash w/ beverage, $10 cash w/o beverage

reserve - email at ✨

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Performers Showcase at Flourish

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