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ascenDANCE at Flourish

  • Flourish 140 Main Street Biddeford United States (map)

JOIN US forascenDANCE - listen/move to some fun dance music! ☯️

🌠 Judgment is left behind the doors. During the 60min dancing, you have the freedom to move to your own energy, rhythm & flow. You can move HOWEVER you feel called - it could be dancing, stretching, moving, shaking, releasing, healing, or simply laying down & relaxing. It is a safe space for you to truly express yourself how you want. No need to follow specific dance steps- just be yourself! Free & Wild Dancing is an amazing form of healing - it’s a meditative activity that can help us cope w/ stress, anxiety, depression, etc. It helps release stagnant energy & heavy emotions. You can get to experience a meditative & happy state of mind through body movement. Besides the fact that it is a lot of fun to move your body to music, it’s scientifically proven to help your mental & physical health..🌠

✨ $10 cash ✨

reserve - email at ✨

🌠 Led by Josiah 🌠

March 21

Performers Showcase at Flourish

March 23

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