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Spring Meditation at Flourish

  • Flourish-Arts as Sacred Healing 140 Main Street Biddeford United States (map)

☀️ Equinox is drawing nigh! Spring is in the air! Day and night will dance together; trees will put forth their buds; life emerges from the soil. Every culture and belief system celebrates this time of renewal in some way. Now is the time to welcome the light, to shake off Winter’s hibernation and to prepare for a new season of growth. What do you want growing in your garden of life? What seeds do you want to plant in the fertile soil of opportunity? ☀️

Dave Estes and Patsy Onatah welcome you for an evening of Interactive Ceremony and Guided Meditation accompanied by crystal bowls, gong, didgeridoo, kora, drum, voice and various percussion pieces.

Celebrate the New Season and join together to encourage each other as we set our intentions for ourselves and the world around us. ✨

🌠 Dave Estes picked up the Didgeridoo over ten years ago and has since taught many others, facilitated numerous Sound Meditation Circles, collaborated with many different artists and played backing tracks for an album that was nominated for album of the year at the Native American Music Awards held annually at Niagara Falls. Along with the “didge”, he plays a variety of other instruments, has facilitated rhythm sessions for disadvantaged youth, the mentally and physically handicapped and those in Alzheimer treatment centers. He recently finished a six-year run with a small gospel choir that focused on outreach to shut ins, the elderly and also included singing for the incarcerated. Currently Dave sings with a coed chorus of over 100 in Portsmouth and is building a local community of Kirtan Singers and Musicians. The healing power of sound and rhythm has been part of his world since picking up drumsticks in second grade then making his way through school bands and choruses. Along with making music, Dave enjoys pursuing many different flow arts which rely on rhythmic movement to accomplish. He has spent many years studying various shamanic practices and their utilization of drumming to change states of consciousness, is reiki certified and is a Sundoor Firewalk facilitator. And he’s a big fan of sushi. 🌠

🌟 Patsy Onatah, founder of The Humble Drum and Southern Maine Community Drum Circle, is a member of the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild and has been trained as a Remo HealthRhythms Facilitator. With more than ten years of experience, she has led Community Drum Circles, Full-Moon Beach Circles, Women’s Circles and Ceremonies in Maine, New Hampshire and beyond. She has provided rhythmic fun for all ages in schools, churches, community mental health centers and assisted living facilities and is a regular contributor to the Green Tent Circle and Rhythm Fest for Maine.  It is Patsy’s belief that by combining the powers of rhythm, circle and our individual life forces we can bring to fruition our goals, dreams and passions.  She also knows that drumming is just plain FUN! 🌟

Pre-registration is requested at as space is limited. Suggested donation is $30. 

Please bring a blanket/pillow/yoga mat for comfort while meditating. Extras will be provided as needed.

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