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Journal Your Way to Joy w/ Robyn at Flourish

  • Flourish-Arts as Sacred Healing, 140 Main Street Biddeford United States (map)

✨ Do you seek greater connection with yourself and universal consciousness? ✨

✨ Do you yearn to experience greater joy, authenticity, and fulfillment in any or all areas of your life? ✨

✨ Would you love to become more clear on who you are, what you’d most like to create and experience in life, and how to turn your dreams into reality? ✨

✍️ If so, join Author and Mind-Body-Spirit Coach Robyn Wiley for this powerful journaling workshop that is sure to empower and assist you on your journey to greater joy and self-discovery! ✍️

🌠 Out of all the helpful personal development tools out there, journaling is one of the most effective for increasing self-awareness, calming/clearing the mind, and helping us to pinpoint what actions are needed to make positive changes in ourselves and our lives. 🌠

🖌 Maybe you’ve been wanting to journal for a while now, but feel overwhelmed by the blank page and have trouble getting started. 🖌

🖌 Maybe you already have a journaling practice, but would love to build upon it with some new, powerful techniques or greater regularity. 🖌

☯️ This course is designed to meet you wherever you are at in your journaling journey, (whether novice or advanced practitioner), and propel you in your personal and spiritual growth and towards greater authenticity and joy in all areas of your life! ☯️

🌟 In our time together, you will learn and practice 5 highly beneficial journaling techniques to help you to:

• Become more clear on who you are and who you most want to be

• Become clear on what you most want to create and experience in life, and how to make it reality

• Navigate and let go of thought, emotion, and behavior patterns that keep you stuck and don’t serve you

• Create new affirming thought, emotion, and behavior patterns that serve and empower you

• Connect more powerfully to the wisdom within you and the universe at large. 🌟

☮️ This is a hands-on and engaging workshop that includes personalized instruction, mindfulness practices, journaling exercises, and and group discussion. ☮️

🕉 You can expect to walk away from this workshop feeling more empowered, more connected with yourself, and more clear on what is most important to you in life and what you specifically need to do to take positive strides forward. 🕉

🌠 $35, includes Robyn’s book, “My Happy Book: A Guided Journal to Light Up Your Life.” 🌠

🌠 Reserve your space at 🌠

🌠 About the Instructor" -

Robyn Wiley is a Mother, Author, Mystic, Mind-Body-Spirit Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Mindfulness Teacher, Speaker, and Lover of Life who has been on a conscious spiritual path for nearly 20 years. 🌠

🕉 Robyn’s driving mission is to live a deeply meaningful, joyful, Spirit-centered life and to guide and support others who desire the same. 🕉

🎇 Among her various trainings, Robyn has completed a B.A. in Philosophy, Reiki Trainings from 2009-2017 to the highest level of Reiki Master of Masters, and Certifications in both “Assertiveness Coaching” and “Strategic Intervention Coaching” through the highly reputed Robbins-Madanes program. She is currently enrolled in a 2-year training through ChIME, an interfaith ministry and chaplaincy program based in Portland, Maine.

From 2014-present she has coached 70+ clients, taught 1,000+ students, designed and led 100+ Personal/Spiritual Development workshops for ages 5-75, and published a Guided Journal called: “My Happy Book: a Guided Journal to Light Up Your Life.”

Robyn continuously seeks teachings, trainings, and experiences to support her in her personal, professional, and spiritual growth so that she may live her most fulfilling life and be of greatest service to her family, loved ones, students, clients, and the world at large.

She believes we each have an important and unique purpose to fulfill while we’re here on Earth, and that the more we live this purpose, the more beautiful and miraculous our lives become. She believes we all have value and wisdom to offer one another, and as Ram Dass famously stated, that “We are all walking each other home.” 🎇

July 15

Community Dance Jam w/ Robyn at Flourish

July 21

Performers Showcase at Flourish