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Intuitive Development Group

Michelle and Liz invite you to join them at 3pm, the usual scheduled time for IDG at Flourish via Zoom

💞Are you interested in learning more about your intuition? Are you curious about developing your inner knowing? If so, come join our new development group!

Our hands on interactive group will focus on developing reading and intuitive skills as well as introduce additional modalities. We are committed to provide a safe, loving and supportive environment where we encourage you to expand your abilities.
All levels are welcome, please join us!

Group led by:

Michelle Beane
Light worker, Clairvoyant, Integrated Energy Therapy
Michelle is passionate in following her calling from Spirit and the Universe to share her gifts in light
work, clairvoyance (sight, sound, sensory and intuition). Michelle is trained and received her certification in Integrated Energy Therapy.. Since a very young age, Michelle has experienced the presence of Spirit through the passing of loved ones and will share with you messages, signs and Spiritual guidance. Michelle’s practice includes energy card readings, crystals, Tibetan sound bowl healings, channeling, runes and auto journaling. With an open heart and mind, Michelle welcomes new soul connections.

Liz Bennett is the owner of Spirit of Golden Joinery, her creative sessions allow clients to cultivate self love through balancing mind, body and spirit. She specializes in working intuitively with women in transition through mindfulness coaching, yoga and holistic wellness. Liz offers private sessions, group classes, workshops, and retreats. She is a 200 hour Yoga Alliance registered teacher, completed a 100 hour coaching program at Southwest Institute of the Healing Arts, and holds a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner certification.

April 1

Meditation With Everett

May 6

Biddeford Satsang